Contains the connection parameters to be passed to an ILiveViewConnection.

Namespace: StreamBase.LiveView.API
Assembly: StreamBase.LiveView.API (in StreamBase.LiveView.API.dll) Version: (


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public sealed class ConnectionConfig
Public NotInheritable Class ConnectionConfig
public ref class ConnectionConfig sealed


 All Members  Constructors   Fields   Properties   Methods   Events  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

Creates an instance using the default URI.
ConnectionConfig(EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>))
Creates an instance using the default URI.
Creates an instance using the supplied URI and no connection event handler.
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>)) Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the supplied URI, no credentials and the supplied connection event handler.
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, String, String) Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the specified URI and credentials with no connection event handler.
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, String, String, EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>)) Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the specified URI, credentials and connection event handler.
The authentication method to use
This can be used to connect to the LiveView server in the background.
Fired when interesting events happen on a LiveView connection (such as the connection closing).
The default URI used to connect to the LiveView server.
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
FromTcdsAuthUri(LiveViewURI, ILiveViewAuth)
Creates a connection config from an auth-enabled TCDS URI.
GetHashCode()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetType()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
Password Obsolete.
The password used to authenticate when connecting to the LiveView server.
The number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts. This is only meaningful when asynchronous connection is used.
Whether to recieve aggregation marks if the server supports them.
The time to wait before closing a connection without hearing a heartbeat. Default: 15s
ToString()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
The URI used to connect to the LiveView server. Also sets basic authentication, if no authentication has been set. If Authentication has been set, setting this doesn't overwrite it.
Whether to use HTTP compression between the client and server.
UseKerberosTickets Obsolete.
Whether to use Kerberos authentication (if available)
Username Obsolete.
The user name used to authenticate when connecting to the LiveView server.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also