Monitors a StreamBase Server, and gathers statistics. Periodically sends Snapshot objects to all registered MonitorListeners.

Namespace: StreamBase.SB.Monitor
Assembly: StreamBase.SB.Monitor (in StreamBase.SB.Monitor.dll) Version:


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public class StreamBaseMonitor : IDisposable
Public Class StreamBaseMonitor _
	Implements IDisposable
public ref class StreamBaseMonitor : IDisposable


 All Members  Constructors   Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

Create a monitoring object, which will connect to a server with the given StreamBaseURI. The connection will not be made until caller calls run(). A null StreamBaseURI will get the connection information from the STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable, if set. The default server is "sb://localhost:10000".
Create a monitoring object, which will connect to a server with the given StreamBaseURI. The connection will not be made until caller calls run(). A null StreamBaseURI will get the connection information from the STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable, if set. The default server is "sb://localhost:10000".
StreamBaseMonitor(StreamBaseURI, String)
Constructor using an arbitrary stream name. The connection will not be made until caller calls run().
Add a listener for snapshot information.

If the given listener has already been added just return.

Listeners are called in the order in which they were added.

Close this monitor.
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
GetHashCode()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetType()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
Remove a listener that was previously added.
Remove all listeners.
Read and process monitor snapshots from sbd. This function will block, and will not return until Terminate is called or the connection to the StreamBase server is disconnected. Any call to Terminate must be either from inside a MonitorListener, or from another thread.
Ask the monitor to terminate. Termination will occur after the next snapshot, or after the current snapshot if Terminate() is invoked from within a MonitorListener's SnapshotReceived() method.
ToString()()()() (Inherited from Object.)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also