Overload List

Dequeue tuples from any subscribed stream. This method blocks until
  • at least one tuple is available on any subscribed stream (DequeueResult.Status==GOOD), or
  • the node is shut down (DequeueResult.Status==CLOSED), or
  • a network error occurs(StreamBaseException is thrown)
If the node is shut down and no Tuples have been dequeued, the returned DequeueResult object will contain 0 Tuples and its Status property will be DequeueResult.CLOSED.
The DequeueResult will only contain valid data until Dequeue() is called again.
Dequeue a batch of tuples from a subscribed stream. This method will block until:
  • at least one tuple is available on any subscribed stream (DequeueResult.Status==GOOD), or
  • nTimeoutMS milliseconds have elapsed (DequeueResult.Status==TIMEOUT), or
  • the node is shut down (DequeueResult.Status==CLOSED), or
  • a network error occurs(StreamBaseException is thrown)
An nTimeoutMS of zero will block indefinitely, or until a tuple arrives. Note that the actual dequeue timeout may vary based on normal thread scheduling, plus network interactions with the server.

If the request times out or the node is shut down and no Tuples have been dequeued, the returned DequeueResult object will contain 0 Tuples and its Status property will be DequeueResult.TIMEOUT or DequeueResult.CLOSED, respectively.

The DequeueResult will only contain valid data until Dequeue() is called again.

See Also