
epadmin trusted target — Shows trusted host information for a node or cluster.


epadmin [globalparameters] display trusted


Shows trusted host information for a node or cluster. The trusted target has one command, display.

epadmin display trusted

Specify the host or cluster of interest with the global parameters --servicename or --adminport (with optional --hostname). This command returns three lines for each trusted host, in two sets:

  • configured—hosts specified in a TrustedHosts configuration file for the specified node or cluster.

  • default—addresses available on the local machine, similar to the addresses and interfaces returned from /sbin/ifconfig on macOS or Linux, or ipconfig /all on Windows 10.

For example:

$ epadmin --servicename=A.sbuser display trusted
[A.sbuser] Network Address =
[A.sbuser] Host Name = otherhost.local
[A.sbuser] Source = configured

[A.sbuser] Network Address =
[A.sbuser] Host Name = localhost
[A.sbuser] Source = default

[A.sbuser] Network Address = fe80:0:0:0:aede:48ff:fe00:1122%en5
[A.sbuser] Host Name = localhost
[A.sbuser] Source = default