Class NullProgressMonitor

    • Constructor Detail

      • NullProgressMonitor

        public NullProgressMonitor()
        Constructs a new progress monitor.
    • Method Detail

      • beginTask

        public void beginTask​(String name,
                              int totalWork)
        This implementation does nothing.
        Specified by:
        beginTask in interface ProgressMonitor
        name - the name of the task
        totalWork - the total steps to complete the task
      • done

        public void done()
        This implementation does nothing.
        Specified by:
        done in interface ProgressMonitor
      • isCanceled

        public boolean isCanceled()
        This implementation returns the value of the internal state variable set by setCanceled.
        Specified by:
        isCanceled in interface ProgressMonitor
        true if client cancelled the request
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        This implementation sets the value of an internal state variable.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface ProgressMonitor
      • worked

        public void worked​(int work)
        This implementation does nothing.
        Specified by:
        worked in interface ProgressMonitor
        work - the amount done on the current task