Interface ServerUtilityDataProvider

  • public interface ServerUtilityDataProvider
    The Interface provides methods to fetch server utility data
    • Method Detail

      • importMetadata

        Map<String,​DataStatus> importMetadata​(File file,
                                                    ServerUtilityDataProvider.DATA_POLICY dataPolicy,
                                                    String... resources)
                                             throws LiveViewException
        Utility to import LiveView metadata.
        file - the File that has the Json formatted data to be imported into LiveView.
        dataPolicy - the ServerUtilityDataProvider.DATA_POLICY to use during the import process.
        resources - the LiveView resources to import such as alerts, workspaces and lvweb ('lvweb' is a high level representation for all LiveView web resources that will fetch all the web resources; to fetch the detailed list of web resources, use #getSupportedMetadataResources()). If you do not provide any LiveView resources, the method helps you import all the data from the input file.
        the Map where the key identifies the resource and the value DataStatus gives the details of import process for the corresponding resource.
        LiveViewException - throws LiveView exception in case of error while importing the data.
      • importMetadata

        Map<String,​DataStatus> importMetadata​(InputStream inputstream,
                                                    ServerUtilityDataProvider.DATA_POLICY dataPolicy,
                                                    String... resources)
                                             throws LiveViewException
        Utility to import LiveView metadata.
        inputstream - the InputStream to import the LiveView metadata from.
        dataPolicy - the ServerUtilityDataProvider.DATA_POLICY to use during the import process.
        resources - the LiveView resources to import such as alerts, workspaces and lvweb ('lvweb' is a high level representation for all LiveView web resources that will fetch all the web resources; to fetch the detailed list of web resources, use #getSupportedMetadataResources()). If you do not provide any LiveView resources, the method helps you import all the data from the input file.
        the Map where the key identifies the resource and DataStatus gives the details of import process for the corresponding resource.
        LiveViewException - throws LiveView exception in case of error while importing the data.
      • exportMetadata

        void exportMetadata​(File file,
                            String... resources)
                     throws LiveViewException
        utility to export LiveView metadata.
        file - the File to which the exported data is to be written.
        resources - the LiveView resources to export such as alerts, workspaces and lvweb ('lvweb' is a high level representation for all LiveView web resources that will fetch all the web resources; to fetch the detailed list of web resources, use #getSupportedMetadataResources()). If you do not provide any LiveView resources, all the LiveView metadata from the server is exported.
        LiveViewException - throws LiveView exception in case of error while exporting the data.
      • exportMetadata

        void exportMetadata​(OutputStream outputStream,
                            String... resources)
                     throws LiveViewException
        Utility to export LiveView metadata.
        outputStream - the OutputStream to which the exported data is to be written.
        resources - the LiveView resources to export such as alerts, workspaces and lvweb ('lvweb' is a high level representation for all LiveView web resources that will fetch all the web resources; to fetch the detailed list of web resources, use #getSupportedMetadataResources()). If you do not provide any LiveView resources, all the LiveView metadata from the server is exported.
        LiveViewException - throws LiveView exception in case of error while exporting the data.