ModuleInfo |
Represents information about a parallel module in a StreamBase Server.
ModuleInfo.QueueInfo |
Information about a Queue between modules or containers.
MonitorListener |
Implement this interface in order to receive the information produced by a
StreamBaseMonitor object.
OperatorInfo |
Represents information about a single operator in a StreamBase application.
Snapshot |
Stores a snapshot of information from a StreamBase application.
Snapshot.Status |
StatsUtil.IdentityHelper |
This class manages the identity in client
StatsUtil.IdentityHelper.IdentityUpdater |
StatsUtil.StatEncoder.KeyType |
StatsUtil.What |
StatTuplev3 |
Used by Stat stream v3.
StreamBaseMonitor |
Monitors a StreamBase Server, and gathers statistics.
StreamInfo |
Represents information about a stream in a StreamBase Server.
SystemInfo |
Represents system-level information.
SystemInfo.GCInfo |
Information about GC collectors in the JVM
ThreadInfo |
Represents information about a single thread in a StreamBase Server.