Implement this interface in order to receive the information produced by a StreamBaseMonitor object.

Namespace: StreamBase.SB.Monitor
Assembly: StreamBase.SB.Monitor (in StreamBase.SB.Monitor.dll) Version:


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public interface MonitorListener
Public Interface MonitorListener
public interface class MonitorListener


 All Members  Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

Called by a StreamBaseMonitor object when it has received a Snapshot.

The snapshot object must only be used within the invocation of this method, as it will cease to be valid as soon as SnapshotReceived returns. For example, an implementation of this interface should not pass the snapshot object to another thread for asynchronous processing, because the snapshot may have become invalid by the time that thread receives the snapshot.

If you need to store a snapshot for later processing, you may Clone() individual objects in the snapshot (ThreadInfo, SystemInfo, etc.)

See Also