Apache Cassandra Operators

Apache Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers in a high availability, clustered environment.

The Spotfire Streaming Apache Cassandra Operators are implemented as a suite of six of global Java operators, including:

  • Apache Cassandra Insert operator, which adds a row to the cluster.

  • Apache Cassandra Delete operator, which removes a row from the cluster.

  • Apache Cassandra Update operator, which modifies an existing row in the cluster.

  • Apache Cassandra Select operator, which retrieves rows from the cluster.

  • Apache Cassandra Query operator, which can be used to send arbitrary queries to the cluster.

  • Apache Cassandra Control operator, which can be used to connect to the cluster, disconnect from it, or obtain the current connection state.

The Apache Cassandra Operators are described on the Using the Apache Cassandra Operators page.

See the Apache Cassandra Operator Sample to see how these operators can be used.