Streaming C++ API
▼Nsb | |
CArgumentOutOfRange | Null value encountered |
CClientSettings | This class loads all the environment variables used by the C++ client API |
CCompleteDataType | An object containing all the information about a data type – the primitive DataType; for DataType::TUPLEs, the Tuple's Schema; and for DataType::LISTs, the List elements' own CompleteDataType |
CDataType | A type of data in a tuple |
▼CDequeueResult | Encapsulates the data returned from a dequeue() operation |
CInterceptor | A callback interface that can be implemented by an object that is associated with a StreamBaseClient and which gets used in the course of dequeuing tuples |
CField | Information (name, type, and optionally size) about a field in a Schema |
CFieldValue | A value a Field may take on |
CIllegalArgumentException | Illegal Argument |
CMalformedURIException | An invalid URI was specified in a StreamBaseURI constructor |
CNonTupleFieldInPath | Field path name contained an not-leaf segment whose type was not TUPLE |
CNoSuchFieldException | No field found with the given name or index |
CNullValueException | Null value encountered |
CSchema | A type of tuple, containing zero or more fields (each encapsulated as a Schema::Field object) |
CStreamBaseAdminClient | The StreamBase Admin Client API |
CStreamBaseBadEntityException | Semantically invalid XML (e.g., box doesn't have a type) |
CStreamBaseBadXmlException | Non-well-formed XML |
CStreamBaseClient | The StreamBase client API |
CStreamBaseDequeueTimeoutException | A dequeued result was not available in the time allowed |
CStreamBaseEntityType | A type of entity in a StreamBase catalog |
CStreamBaseException | The base class for all StreamBaseExceptions |
CStreamBaseIllegalArgumentException | Miscellaneous illegal argument |
CStreamBaseListException | An Exception which contains a list of cause exceptions |
CStreamBaseNetworkException | A network (TCP/IP) error was encountered |
CStreamBaseNoSuchEntityException | Requested an entity which doesn't exist |
CStreamBaseNotImplementedException | A feature is not implemented |
CStreamBaseNotSupportedException | A feature is not supported |
CStreamBaseTimeoutException | A network timeout error was encountered |
CStreamBaseTypingException | Typechecking failed |
CStreamBaseURI | A URI for a StreamBase client connection |
CStreamBaseXmlRpcFault | An XML/RPC error has occurred |
CStreamProperties | Properties of a single stream |
CTimestamp | Class for representing moments in time and intervals at millisecond granularity |
CTimestampException | Attempted to parse an invalid Timestamp string |
CTuple | Tuples are value types that can be copied and modified separately thus |
CTupleList | TupleLists are value types that can be copied and modified seperately thus |
CTupleStringParseException | Error parsing a tuple as a delimited string |