Class AbstractBatchedQueryListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
QueryListener, EventListener

public abstract class AbstractBatchedQueryListener extends AbstractQueryListener
An abstract implementation of a QueryListener that batches up multiple events and sends them to the concrete implementation.

Concrete implementations must implement the abstract snapshot(List, boolean) and update(List) methods to receive batched up events.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBatchedQueryListener

      public AbstractBatchedQueryListener()
      Constructs a listener with quarter-second interval and the maximum batch size.
    • AbstractBatchedQueryListener

      public AbstractBatchedQueryListener(long interval, TimeUnit unit, boolean collapseEvents)
      Constructor to set an interval for receiving batched results.
      interval - notification interval
      unit - notification interval unit
      collapseEvents - whether or not to collapsed multiple updates in the same batch
    • AbstractBatchedQueryListener

      public AbstractBatchedQueryListener(long interval, TimeUnit unit, boolean collapseEvents, int maxBatchSize)
      Constructor to set an interval for receiving batched results.
      interval - notification interval
      unit - notification interval unit
      collapseEvents - whether or not to collapsed multiple updates in the same batch
      maxBatchSize - max batch size before notification
  • Method Details

    • snapshot

      public abstract void snapshot(List<TupleAddedEvent> eventList, boolean complete)
      This batch method is called one or more times for snapshot results.
      eventList - the added tuples
      complete - indicator whether the snapshot is complete or not
    • update

      public abstract void update(List<AbstractTupleEvent> eventList)
      This batch method is called zero or more times for continuous updates.
      eventList - the continuous tuple events
    • tupleRemoved

      public void tupleRemoved(TupleRemovedEvent event)
      Event when an existing tuple is removed from the result.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      tupleRemoved in interface QueryListener
      tupleRemoved in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - remove event
    • tupleAdded

      public void tupleAdded(TupleAddedEvent event)
      Event when a new tuple is added to the result.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      tupleAdded in interface QueryListener
      tupleAdded in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - add event
    • tupleUpdated

      public void tupleUpdated(TupleUpdatedEvent event)
      Event when an existing tuple in the result is updated.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      tupleUpdated in interface QueryListener
      tupleUpdated in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - update event
    • snapshotBegin

      public void snapshotBegin(BeginSnapshotEvent event)
      Event to indicate the start of the result snapshot. This is the first method called when a query starts returning results, but this method is also called to indicate a reset (a complete restart of the query.)

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      snapshotBegin in interface QueryListener
      snapshotBegin in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - snapshot begin
    • snapshotEnd

      public void snapshotEnd(EndSnapshotEvent event)
      Event to indicate the query snapshot is complete.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      snapshotEnd in interface QueryListener
      snapshotEnd in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - snapshot end
    • exceptionRaised

      public void exceptionRaised(QueryExceptionEvent event)
      Event when an exception occurs during the query. Since 1.3, reaching the row limit is considered an exception.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      exceptionRaised in interface QueryListener
      exceptionRaised in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - exception event
    • queryClosed

      public void queryClosed(QueryClosedEvent event)
      Event when a query being listened to is closed.

      This method may be extended, ensuring a super call is made.

      Specified by:
      queryClosed in interface QueryListener
      queryClosed in class AbstractQueryListener
      event - query closed event
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the thread that calls the batch methods periodically
    • finalize

      public void finalize()
      finalize in class Object