Uses of Class

Packages that use NullValueException
Provides classes and interfaces to add custom table providers for LiveView.
Provides classes and interfaces fundamental to the Streaming Java API.
Provides classes and interfaces to monitor the behavior of a running Streaming server.
  • Uses of NullValueException in com.streambase.liveview.server.table.plugin

    Modifier and Type
    TableProviderManager.startTables(List<String> tables)
  • Uses of NullValueException in

    Modifier and Type
    Tuple.getBlobBuffer(int fieldIndex)
    Return a ByteArrayView for a given blob field.
    Return a ByteArrayView for a given blob field.
    Tuple.getBlobBuffer(String fieldPathName)
    Return a ByteArrayView for a given blob field.
    protected ByteArrayView
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getBlobBufferImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected ByteArrayView
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getBlobBufferImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected ByteArrayView
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getBlobBufferImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final boolean
    Tuple.getBoolean(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the boolean field at a specified field index.
    Tuple.getBoolean(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified boolean field.
    final boolean
    Tuple.getBoolean(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named boolean field.
    protected byte
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getBooleanAsByteImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected byte
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getBooleanAsByteImpl(Schema.Field field)
    ReadOnlyTupleRep.getBooleanAsByteImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected byte
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getBooleanAsByteImpl(Schema.Field field)
    TupleRep.getBooleanAsByteImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected boolean
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getBooleanImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected boolean
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getBooleanImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected boolean
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getBooleanImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final Tuple
    Tuple.getCapture(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the named capture field.
    final Tuple
    Tuple.getCapture(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of the named capture field.
    final double
    Tuple.getDouble(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the double field at a specified field index.
    Tuple.getDouble(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified double field.
    final double
    Tuple.getDouble(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named double field.
    protected double
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getDoubleImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected double
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getDoubleImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected double
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getDoubleImpl(Schema.Field field)
    TupleUtil.RepMethods.getFieldLength(Tuple tuple, Schema.Field field)
    Get field length
    final int
    Tuple.getInt(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the int field at a specified field index.
    Tuple.getInt(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified int field.
    final int
    Tuple.getInt(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named int field.
    protected int
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getIntImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected int
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getIntImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected int
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getIntImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final List<?>
    Tuple.getList(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the list field at a specified field index.
    Tuple.getList(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified list field.
    final List<?>
    Tuple.getList(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named list field.
    protected List<?>
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getListImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected List<?>
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getListImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected List<?>
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getListImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final long
    Tuple.getLong(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the long field at a specified field index.
    Tuple.getLong(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified long field.
    final long
    Tuple.getLong(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named long field.
    protected long
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected long
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected long
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final String
    Tuple.getString(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the named string field.
    Tuple.getString(Schema.Field field)
    Return the value of a specified string field.
    final String
    Tuple.getString(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of the named string field.
    protected String
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getStringImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected String
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getStringImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected String
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getStringImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final Timestamp
    Tuple.getTimestamp(int fieldIndex)
    Return the value of the timestamp field at a specified field index.
    Return the value of a specified timestamp field.
    final Timestamp
    Tuple.getTimestamp(String fieldPathName)
    Return the value of a named timestamp field.
    protected long
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getTimestampAsLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected long
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getTimestampAsLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected long
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getTimestampAsLongImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected Timestamp
    ReadOnlyCompositeTuple.getTimestampImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected Timestamp
    ReadOnlyTupleByIndexWrapper.getTimestampImpl(Schema.Field field)
    protected Timestamp
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.getTimestampImpl(Schema.Field field)
    final Tuple
    Tuple.getTuple(int fieldIndex)
    Return a reference (not a copy) to the specified nested tuple field.
    Tuple.getTuple(Schema.Field field)
    Return a reference (not a copy) to the specified nested tuple field.
    final Tuple
    Tuple.getTuple(String fieldPathName)
    Return a reference (not a copy) to the specified nested tuple field.
    final void
    Tuple.setBoolean(int fieldIndex, boolean value)
    Set the boolean field at a specified field index to a specified value.
    final void
    Tuple.setBoolean(String fieldPathName, boolean value)
    Set a named boolean field to a specified value.
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setBooleanImpl(Schema.Field field, boolean value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setBooleanImpl(Schema.Field field, boolean value)
    final void
    Tuple.setDouble(int fieldIndex, double value)
    Set the double field at a specified field index to a specified value.
    final void
    Tuple.setDouble(String fieldPathName, double value)
    Set a named double field to a specified value.
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setDoubleImpl(Schema.Field field, double value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setDoubleImpl(Schema.Field field, double value)
    final void
    Tuple.setInt(int fieldIndex, int value)
    Set the int field at a specified field index to a specified value.
    final void
    Tuple.setInt(String fieldPathName, int value)
    Set the named int field to a specified value.
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setIntImpl(Schema.Field field, int value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setIntImpl(Schema.Field field, int value)
    final void
    Tuple.setList(int fieldIndex, List<?> value)
    Set the list field at a specified field index to a copy of the specified value.
    final void
    Tuple.setList(String fieldPathName, List<?> value)
    Set a named list field to a copy of a specified value.
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setListImpl(Schema.Field field, List<?> value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setListImpl(Schema.Field field, List<?> value)
    final void
    Tuple.setLong(int fieldIndex, long value)
    Set the long field at a specified field index to a specified value.
    final void
    Tuple.setLong(String fieldPathName, long value)
    Set a named long field to a specified value.
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setLongImpl(Schema.Field field, long value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setLongImpl(Schema.Field field, long value)
    protected void
    ReadOnlyTuple.setTimestampImpl(Schema.Field field, long value)
    protected void
    ReadWriteTupleWrapper.setTimestampImpl(Schema.Field field, long value)
  • Uses of NullValueException in

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) void
    StatTuplev3.fillTuple(Tuple t)
    Fill tuple
    (package private) void
    StatTuplev3.fromTuple(Tuple t)
    Populate from tuple
    StatsUtil.toStatTuple(Tuple t)

    StatsUtil.StatEncoder.unmarshal(Tuple t)
    Retrieve data from tuple and returns a StatBuffer
    StatsUtil.What.unmarshal(Tuple t)
    Un-marshal a tuple to a StatTuple