Class DeMUXStreamBaseClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DeMUXStreamBaseClient
    extends StreamBaseClient
    This is a StreamBaseClient that is intended for use by several independent queries. Rather than polling for data, when you subscribe you register a DequeueListener, which will be handed only the results for YOUR subscribe call
    • Method Detail

      • subscribe

        public StreamProperties subscribe​(String streamname,
                                          String logicalstream,
                                          String predicate,
                                          DeMUXStreamBaseClient.DequeueListener listener)
                                   throws StreamBaseException
        This is the only subscribe operation that is supported by the DeMUXStreamBaseClient
        streamname - Qualified or partial streamname. If partial, will be relative to the connection base (usually default.)
        logicalstream - Logical name for this stream. If you specify a predicate, this is required and must be different from streamname Also, only one listener per logicalStream name is allowed for a given DeMUXStreamBaseClient
        predicate - Your query
        listener - Implement this interface to be called when your data arrives (and other events)
        StreamProperties for the stream being listened to.
      • getUniqueSuffix

        public String getUniqueSuffix()
        This manages a threadsafe counter which will give a different value each time it is called.
        a string with underscore and a number. Each call to it will be different.
      • canDequeue

        public boolean canDequeue()
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Return true if we can call dequeue without blocking. This means that there is something to dequeue from the server. This dequeued item could be Tuples, a null (server shutdown) or an exception.
        canDequeue in class StreamBaseClient
        boolean if we can dequeue without blocking
      • dequeue

        public DequeueResult dequeue​(long timeoutMS)
                              throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Dequeue a batch of tuples from a subscribed stream. This method will block until there are tuples available or timeoutMS milliseconds have past. It will return null if the connection is closed. It will return an empty DequeueResult if timeoutMS milliseconds have past and no tuples have returned. A timeout_ms of zero will block indefinitely, or until a tuple arrives.
        dequeue in class StreamBaseClient
        timeoutMS - timeout in milliseconds
        a DequeueResult from any subscribed stream (only one stream per DequeueResult)
        StreamBaseException - thrown on network or other errors
      • setDequeueResultInterceptor

        public DequeueResult.Interceptor setDequeueResultInterceptor​(DequeueResult.Interceptor dri)
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Set the dequeue results interceptor for this client connection. This results interceptor replaces any existing results processor. To disable pre-processing of results, set the processor to null. This method cannot be safely called while another thread is calling dequeue().
        setDequeueResultInterceptor in class StreamBaseClient
        dri - dequeue results interceptor for this client connection
        the old dequeue results interceptor
      • subscribe

        public StreamProperties subscribe​(String streamname,
                                          String logicalstream,
                                          String predicate)
                                   throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Subscribe to a stream with a predicate. The stream name of dequeued tuples is logicalstream. When unsubscribing, use logicalstream.
        subscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        streamname - the stream to subscribe to
        logicalstream - the name of the logical stream to associate with this predicate (if empty or null, defaults to streamname)
        predicate - a predicate to apply to subset the stream
        the stream properties
        StreamBaseException - thrown on error, including empty or null streamname or predicate
      • subscribe

        public StreamProperties subscribe​(String streamName,
                                          CaptureTransformStrategy strategy,
                                          String logicalstream,
                                          String predicate)
                                   throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Subscribe to a stream with a predicate. The stream name of dequeued tuples is logicalstream. When unsubscribing, use logicalstream.
        subscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        streamName - the name of a stream, that may be fully qualified (for example, mycontainer.MyInputSchema). When unqualified, the container from the URI the connection was established with is used, otherwise StreamBaseURI.DEFAULT_CONTAINER is used.
        strategy - the CaptureTransformStrategy to use if there are capture fields in the stream
        logicalstream - the name of the logical stream to associate with this predicate (if empty or null, defaults to streamname)
        predicate - a predicate to apply to subset the stream
        Stream properties
        StreamBaseException - thrown on error, including empty or null streamname or predicate
      • subscribe

        public StreamProperties subscribe​(StreamProperties props,
                                          String logicalstream,
                                          String predicate)
                                   throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Subscribe to a stream with a predicate. The stream name of dequeued tuples is logicalstream. When unsubscribing, use logicalstream.
        subscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        props - the stream to subscribe to
        logicalstream - the name of the logical stream to associate with this predicate (if empty or null, defaults to streamname)
        predicate - a predicate to apply to subset the stream
        stream properties
        StreamBaseException - thrown on error, including empty or null streamname or predicate
      • resubscribe

        public StreamProperties resubscribe​(String streamname,
                                            String logicalstream,
                                            String predicate)
                                     throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Resubscribe to a stream with a predicate. Allows the client to change the filtered subscribe predicate atomically so that currently buffered data is not lost (as would happen if you unsubscribed, then subscribed again with a different predicate).
        resubscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        streamname - the stream to subscribe to
        logicalstream - the name of the logical stream to associate with this predicate
        predicate - a predicate to apply to subset the stream
        stream properties
        StreamBaseException - thrown on error
      • resubscribe

        public StreamProperties resubscribe​(StreamProperties props,
                                            String logicalstream,
                                            String predicate)
                                     throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Resubscribe to a stream with a predicate. Allows the client to change the filtered subscribe predicate atomically so that currently buffered data is not lost (as would happen if you unsubscribed, then subscribed again with a different predicate).
        resubscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        props - the stream to subscribe to
        logicalstream - the name of the logical stream to associate with this predicate
        predicate - a predicate to apply to subset the stream
        stream properties
        StreamBaseException - thrown on error
      • unsubscribe

        public void unsubscribe​(String logicalStreamName)
                         throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Unsubscribe from the given stream name. Note: Any tuples that are in-flight during an unsubscribe request will be dequeued until the stream is fully drained.
        unsubscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        logicalStreamName - the name of the stream to unsubscribe from, which is logical streamname on filtered subscribe
        StreamBaseException - thrown on network or other errors
      • unsubscribe

        public void unsubscribe​(StreamProperties logicalProps)
                         throws StreamBaseException
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Unsubscribe from the given stream name. Note: Any tuples that are in-flight during an unsubscribe request will be dequeued until the stream is fully drained.
        unsubscribe in class StreamBaseClient
        logicalProps - the StreamProperties for this logical subscription
        StreamBaseException - thrown on network or other errors
      • isSubscribed

        public boolean isSubscribed​(StreamProperties stream)
        Description copied from class: StreamBaseClient
        Return status if we are subscribed to the given stream
        isSubscribed in class StreamBaseClient
        stream - the stream we want to check
        status if we are subscribed to the given stream
      • getDequeueBufferSize

        public int getDequeueBufferSize()
      • haModeOn

        protected boolean haModeOn()
        is HA mode on
        if HA mode is on
      • getSettings

        public ClientSettings getSettings()
        Return the settings for this client
        settings for this client
      • status

        public String[] status​(boolean verbose)
                        throws StreamBaseException
        Return the status of the StreamBase Server
        verbose - return a verbose status
        the status
        StreamBaseException - thrown on network and other errors
      • operatorStatus

        public String[] operatorStatus​(String containerName)
                                throws StreamBaseException
        Return the status of all the operators in the specified container
        containerName - the name of the container
        an array of strings of the form "operatorname=status"
        StreamBaseException - error getting status
      • getURI

        public StreamBaseURI getURI()
        Return the URI used by this Client. In HA mode this just returns the 1st URI for the client
        the uri for this client
      • getURIs

        public List<StreamBaseURI> getURIs()
        get all of the URI's for this client
        all of the URI's for this client