Class StreamBaseURI

  • public final class StreamBaseURI
    extends Object
    A Uniform Resource Identifier containing information necessary to connect to a StreamBase server. For more information about URIs, please see the StreamBase documentation.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
        The default StreamBase TCP port number (10000).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final StreamBaseURI DEFAULT_URI
        The default URI (sb://localhost:10000/) pointing to localhost, no container, port 10000).

        public static final String SECONDARY_HOST_PARAM
        URI parameter used for secondary host name. ("host2")
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SECONDARY_PORT_PARAM
        URI parameter used for secondary port name. ("port2")
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM
        URI parameter used for a keystore for SSL with client authentication (2-way ssl). ("keystore")
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String KEYSTORE_PASS_PARAM
        URI parameter used for the passphrase for a keystore for SSL with client authentication (2-way ssl). ("keystorepass")
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String KEY_PASS_PARAM
        URI parameter used for the passphrase for a key within a keystore for SSL with client authentication (2-way ssl). ("keypass")
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String STREAM_PARAM
        URI parameter used internally (only) as part of container stream connection logic
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • QT_PARAM

        public static final String QT_PARAM
        URI parameter used internally as part of container table connection logic
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String URI_PROPERTY_NAME
        That java property used to define the uri to the server
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String URI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
        That environment variable used to define the uri to the server
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Set<String> MASKED_PARAMS
        default set of parameter containing sensitive data
    • Constructor Detail

      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String uri)
                      throws URIException
        Constructor that parses a StreamBase URI passed in as a String. The format for a StreamBase URI is:


        • scheme: use sb or sbs, the latter to enable a secure SSL connection
        • host: an ip address or hostname of the target server
        • port: (optional) target TCP port number, defaults to DEFAULT_PORT
        • container: (optional) target container name, defaults to NO_CONTAINER
        • ;param=value: (optional) each occurrence sets a key/value parameter mapping for additional arguments; unknown arguments result in a URIException being thrown. Refer to the documentation or the public constants defined in StreamBaseURI ending in _PARAM for valid parameter names
        uri - a URI to parse
        URIException - if the URI syntax is invalid, or if an unknown parameter name is found
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             String container,
                             int port)
        Constructor roughly equivalent to new StreamBaseURI("sb://host:port/container").
        host - a host name to connect to
        container - a container to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        See Also:
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             int port)
        Constructor roughly equivalent to new StreamBaseURI("sb://host:port/").
        host - a host name to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        See Also:
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             String container,
                             int port,
                             String user,
                             String password)
        Constructor roughly equivalent to new StreamBaseURI("sb://host:port/container;user=user;password=password").
        host - a host name to connect to
        container - a container to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        user - a user name for the connection
        password - a password for the connection
        See Also:
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             String container,
                             int port,
                             boolean useSSL,
                             Map<String,​String> params)
        Constructor roughly equivalent to new StreamBaseURI("scheme://host:port/container;param1=value1(...)"), where scheme is either "sb" or "sbs" depending on whether useSSL is true or false, and param1=value1(...) stands for every entry in the params Map
        host - a host name to connect to
        container - a container to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        useSSL - whether to use an SSL connection to the server or not
        params - a Map of String parameters for the URI, or null to indicate no parameters. This map is not checked for correctness.
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             String container,
                             int port,
                             Map<String,​String> params)
        Equivalent to StreamBaseURI(host, container, port, false, params)
        host - a host name to connect to
        container - a container to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        params - a Map of String parameters for the URI, or null to indicate no parameters. This map is not checked for correctness.
        See Also:
        StreamBaseURI(String, String, int, boolean, Map)
      • StreamBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI​(String host,
                             int port,
                             Map<String,​String> params)
        Equivalent to StreamBaseURI(host, NO_CONTAINER, port, params)
        host - a host name to connect to
        port - a port number to connect to
        params - a Map of String parameters for the URI, or null to indicate no parameters. This map is not checked for correctness.
        See Also:
        StreamBaseURI(String, String, int, Map)
    • Method Detail

      • listFromString

        public static List<StreamBaseURI> listFromString​(String uriStrings)
                                                  throws URIException
        Parse a comma-separated list of URIs in a string into a List<StreamBaseURI>. The string of URIs supplied must conform to a valid HA URI list, for example they must all reference the same container.
        uriStrings -
        list of StreamBaseURI's
      • toString

        public static String toString​(Collection<StreamBaseURI> uris)

        Create a string representation of a list of uris.

        Use toSafeString(Collection) if sensitive data need to be masked.

        uris -
        string representation of a list of uris
      • toSafeString

        public static String toSafeString​(Collection<StreamBaseURI> uris)
        Create a string representation of a list of uris, that is safe for logging. See safeString()
        uris -
        string representation of a list of uris
      • toString

        public String toString()

        Returns a string representation of the URI.

        Log messages should use safeString() instead, where sensitive data are masked.

        toString in class Object
      • getBaseURI

        public StreamBaseURI getBaseURI()
        Return a copy of this URI without any params
      • getHost

        public String getHost()
        Returns the host name component of the URI.
      • getContainer

        public String getContainer()
        Returns the container name component of the URI. May return an empty string if no container was specified.
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port number.
      • getParam

        public String getParam​(String key)
        Returns a parameter with a given key, or null if none exists.
        key - the key for the parameter or null if not found
      • getParameter

        public String getParameter​(String key)
        Returns a parameter with a given key, or null if none exists.
        key - the key for the parameter or null if not found
      • getNumParameters

        public int getNumParameters()
        Return the number of URI parameters
        number of URI parameters
      • getParams

        public Map<String,​String> getParams()
        Returns an unmodifiable map of all parameters.
      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Return the user name for the connection.
        The user name for the connection, or null if none.
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Return the password for the connection.
        The password for the connection, or null if none.
      • getKeystore

        public String getKeystore()
        Return the keystore for the connection.
        The keystore for the connection, or null if none.
      • getKeystorePassphrase

        public String getKeystorePassphrase()
        Return the passphrase for the keystore for the connection.
        The passphrase for the keystore for the connection, or null if none.
      • getKeyPassphrase

        public String getKeyPassphrase()
        Return the passphrase for the key within the keystore for the connection.
        The passphrase for the key within the keystore for the connection, or null if none.
      • isSSL

        public boolean isSSL()
        true if this is an SSL URI.
      • fromEnvironment

        public static StreamBaseURI fromEnvironment()
                                             throws URIException
        Returns the URI found by searching the following property and environment variables:
        1. Using the string value found in the streambase.uri system property, if set
        2. Using the string value found in the STREAMBASE_URI environment variable, if set
        3. Using the string value found in the STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable, if set
        4. DEFAULT_URI if no value has been found above
        URIException - if the URI found in any of the search locations is invalid
      • listFromEnvironment

        public static List<StreamBaseURI> listFromEnvironment()
                                                       throws URIException
        Returns the list of URIs found by searching the following property and environment variables for a comma separated URI list:
        1. Using the string value found in the streambase.uri system property, if set
        2. Using the string value found in the STREAMBASE_URI environment variable, if set
        3. Using the string value found in the STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable, if set
        4. DEFAULT_URI if no value has been above
        The supplied URIs must conform to a valid High Availability URI list, for example they must all reference the same container.
        URIException - if any URI found is invalid
      • getBasicAuthenticationString

        public String getBasicAuthenticationString()
        Returns a Base64-encoded username + password if authentication is enabled, or null otherwise.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Compares this URI against the supplied one. Note that the host names must textually match exactly (i.e., no cleverness is applied to implement "host equality").
        equals in class Object
      • hasPrefix

        public static boolean hasPrefix​(String s)
        s -
        true iff the supplied string looks like the beginning of a StreamBase URI