Class SBSimpleBeanInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SBBeanInfo, BeanInfo

    public abstract class SBSimpleBeanInfo
    extends SimpleBeanInfo
    implements SBBeanInfo
    SimpleBeanInfo subclass used by StreamBase operators and adapters to provide the set of properties available by the operator or adapter. SBSimpleBeanInfo should be used instead of SimpleBeanInfo to allow StreamBase to identify the name of missing getter or setter methods for a specific property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SBSimpleBeanInfo

        public SBSimpleBeanInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • createCharsetPropertyDesc

        public SBPropertyDescriptor createCharsetPropertyDesc​(UIHints hint,
                                                              String desc,
                                                              Class<?> clazz)
                                                       throws IntrospectionException
        Same as calling createCharsetPropertyDesc(hint, desc, clazz, true)
        hint - UIHint to be used for the SBPropertyDescriptor that should be created
        desc - Description or tool-tip for the property
        clazz - the Class containing the java bean property for this
        SBPropertyDescriptor for character set encoding
        IntrospectionException - on bean introspection exception
      • createCharsetPropertyDesc

        public SBPropertyDescriptor createCharsetPropertyDesc​(UIHints hint,
                                                              String desc,
                                                              Class<?> clazz,
                                                              boolean indent)
                                                       throws IntrospectionException
        Creates a property descriptor for character set encoding, with CHARSET_PROPOSALS as the proposals.
        hint - UIHint to be used for the SBPropertyDescriptor that should be created
        desc - Description or tool-tip for the property
        clazz - the Class containing the java bean property for this
        indent - the property will be indented if this is set to true, false otherwise
        SBPropertyDescriptor for character set encoding
        IntrospectionException - on bean introspection exception
      • createUseDefaultCharsetPropertyDesc

        public SBPropertyDescriptor createUseDefaultCharsetPropertyDesc​(UIHints hint,
                                                                        Class<?> clazz)
                                                                 throws IntrospectionException
        Creates a check box property descriptor for users to indicate that they would like to use the platform's default charset for this operator.
        hint - The UIHint to be set on the SBPropertyDescriptor that will be used
        clazz - the Class containing the java bean property for this
        SBPropertyDescriptor for users to indicate that default charset should be used
        IntrospectionException - on bean introspection exception
      • isValidCharset

        public static boolean isValidCharset​(String charset)