
LiveView. Permission

new Permission(type, action, instance)

Permission object that represents a combination of type, action, and instance to be checked. If a parameter is not mentioned, it is replaced with a wildcard "*", which denotes all.
Name Type Description
type String Permission Type
action String Permission Action
instance String Permission Instance


(static, readonly) Permission.ACTION :Object

Name Type Description
PUBLISH Object Allows publishing to the specified tables.
QUERY Object Allows querying and listing the specified tables.
MANAGE Object Allows LiveView tables to be managed via table providers.
ADD Object Allows adding data layer LiveView tables.
REMOVE Object Allows removing data layer LiveView tables.
ALERT Object Allows alert group management for LiveView cluster when used with clustermanage permission type. Affects the target for managing alerts, where the instance is the action.
GET Object Allows getting cluster-wide LiveView alert groups on a specific alert rule; or,
Allows listing available workspaces and downloading individual workspaces from the LiveView server; or,
Allows retrieving the set of StreamBase streams available to use.
SET Object Allows setting cluster-wide LiveView alert groups on a specific alert rule; or,
Allows uploading new workspaces to the LiveView server and modifying existing workspaces.
SETSELF Object Allows adding or modifying alert rules on the specified tables that were created by the logged-in user only. If no resource is specified, or contains *, the privilege applies to all LiveView tables.
LIST Object Allows listing the set of configured LiveView tables; or,
Allows retrieving the set of configured alerts on the specified tables.
LISTSELF Object Allows retrieving the set of configured alerts created by the logged-in user only. If a table resource is specified, this privilege applies to alert rules associated with that specific table only.
DELETE Object Delete records from a LiveView table or delete alert rules.
DELETESELF Object Allows deleting alert rules that were created by the logged-in user only. If an instance is specified, then the privilege applies to alert rules associated with the specified table only.
INFO Object Allows retrieving schemas associated the specified streams.
SEND Object Allows sending tuples to the specified streams.
STOP Object Stop
KILL Object Allows killing of LiveView queries; or,
Allows the prevention of new client connections; or,
Allows killing of LiveView Publishers.
ALERT_ACTION_EMAIL Object Allows adding an alert action that sends an email message to specified username (or usernames).
ALERT_ACTION_JAVA Object Allows adding an alert action that executes Java code.
ALERT_ACTION_OSCMD Object Allows adding an alert action that executes an operating system command.
ALERT_ACTION_PUBLISH Object Allows adding an alert action that publishes the alert to a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_LVPUBLISH Object Allows adding an alert action that publishes the alert to a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_SENDTUPLE Object Allows adding an alert action that sends a tuple to a StreamBase stream.
ALERT_ACTION_DELETE Object Allows adding an alert action that deletes rows from a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_INVOKEHTTP Object Allows adding an alert action that calls a REST endpoint using the HTTP protocol.
IMPORT Object Enables importing data into the LiveView server
EXPORT Object Enables exporting data from the LiveView server
Available permission type-specific actions. In case of multiple uses, please check Permission Type for correct usage.
  • Object

(static, readonly) Permission.TYPE :Object

Name Type Description
CONNECT Object Allows a user to connect to LiveView.
SHUTDOWN Object Allows a user to shut down the LiveView server. This permission is typically granted only to LiveView administrators.
TABLE Object This hierarchical permission controls access to LiveView tables.
Permission actions that can be used for table operations are as follows:
LIST Allows listing the set of configured LiveView tables.
QUERY Allows querying and listing the specified tables.
PUBLISH Allows publishing to the specified tables.
DELETE Allows deleting records from the specified tables.
MANAGE Allows LiveView tables to be managed via table providers.
ADD Allows adding data layer LiveView tables.
REMOVE Allows removing data layer LiveView tables.
TUPLE Object This hierarchical permission controls access to sending tuples from LiveView clients to StreamBase applications.
Permission actions that can be used for tuple operations are as follows:
INFO Allows retrieving schemas associated with the specified streams.
SENDAllows sending tuples to the specified streams.
ALERT Object This hierarchical permission controls access to LiveView alerts.
Permission actions that can be used for alert operations are as follows:
*Allows all alert operations.
LIST Allows retrieving the set of configured alerts on the specified tables. If the third element is absent, or contains *, the permission applies to all LiveView tables.
LISTSELF Allows retrieving the set of configured alerts created by the logged-in user only. If a table resource is specified, this privilege applies to alert rules associated with that specific table only.
SET Allows adding or modifying alert rules on the specified tables. If the third element is absent, or contains *, the permission applies to all LiveView tables.
SETSELF Allows adding or modifying alert rules on the specified tables that were created by the logged-in user only. If no resource is specified, or contains *, the privilege applies to all LiveView tables.
DELETE Allows deleting alert rules on the specified tables. If the third element is absent, or contains *, the permission applies to all LiveView tables.
DELETESELF Allows deleting alert rules that were created by the logged-in user only. If a resource is specified, then the privilege applies to alert rules associated with the specified table only.
ALERTGROUP Object This hierarchical permission controls access to setting and getting LiveView alert groups on a specific alert rule.
Permission actions that can be used for alert group operations are as follows:
* Allows access to all available alert groups in the cluster.
SET Allows setting cluster-wide LiveView alert groups on a specific alert rule.
GET Allows getting cluster-wide LiveView alert groups on a specific alert rule.
ALERTACTION Object This hierarchical permission controls access to adding LiveView alerts actions.
Permission actions that can be used as alert actions are as follows:
* Allows adding all types of alert actions.
ALERT_ACTION_EMAIL Allows adding an alert action that sends an email message to specified username (or usernames).
ALERT_ACTION_JAVA Allows adding an alert action that executes Java code.
ALERT_ACTION_OSCMD Allows adding an alert action that executes an operating system command.
ALERT_ACTION_PUBLISH Allows adding an alert action that publishes the alert to a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_LVPUBLISH Allows adding an alert action that publishes the alert to a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_SENDTUPLE Allows adding an alert action that sends a tuple to a StreamBase stream.
ALERT_ACTION_DELETE Allows adding an alert action that deletes rows from a LiveView table.
ALERT_ACTION_INVOKEHTTP Allows adding an alert action that calls a REST endpoint using the HTTP protocol.
CLUSTERMANAGE Object This hierarchical permission controls access to alert group management for LiveView cluster.
Permission.ACTION that can be used for cluster management operations are as follows:
* Used for clustermanage lv-client command. Affects the target for managing alerts, where the resource is the action.
ALERT Allows alert group management for LiveView cluster. Affects the target for managing alerts, where the resource is the action.
WORKSPACE Object This hierarchical permission controls access to LiveView workspaces.
Permission actions that can be used for workspace actions are as follows:
* Allows all workspace operations.
GET Allows listing available workspaces and downloading individual workspaces from the LiveView server.
SET Allows uploading new workspaces to the LiveView server and modifying existing workspaces.
DELETE Allows deleting workspaces from the LiveView server.
SESSION Object This hierarchical permission controls the ability to control whether new client connections are allowed to the current server instance.
Permission actions that can be used for session operations are as follows:
* Allows all operations on the specified streams.
KILL Allows the prevention of new client connections.
QUERY Object This hierarchical permission controls the ability to kill LiveView client queries.
Permission actions that can be used for query operations are as follows:
* Allows all operations on the specified streams.
KILL Allows killing of LiveView queries.
PUBLISHER Object This hierarchical permission controls the ability to kill LiveView client publishers.
Permission actions that can be used for publisher operations are as follows:
* Allows all operations on the specified streams.
KILL Allows killing of LiveView Publishers.
RLS Object Restricts display to specified table and row for the designated user.
Setting this privilege affects alert queries, LiveView queries, and delete alert actions.
SBINFO Object This hierarchical permission controls access to getting StreamBase stream information.
Permission actions that can be used for streambase information operations are as follows:
* Allows all StreamBase information operations.
GET Allows retrieving the set of StreamBase streams available to use.
METADATA Object This hierarchical permission controls the ability to import or export data into the LiveView server.
Permission actions that can be used for metadata operations are as follows:
IMPORT Enables importing data into the LiveView server
EXPORT Enables exporting data from the LiveView server
Available top-level permission types.
  • Object

action :String

Permission action
  • String

instance :String

Permission instance
  • String

type :String

Permission type
  • String