The operators listed on this page appear as part of the dialog invoked by the Adapters, Java Operators icon. Click an operator's name or icon in the table below to open the topic page for that operator.
To place a global Java operator on the EventFlow canvas, drag the Adapters, Java Operators icon onto the canvas from the Palette view. This opens the Insert an Operator or Adapter dialog that includes both the global Java operators discussed on this page, plus the full set of StreamBase adapters. To place an operator on the canvas, double-click the operator's entry in the dialog, or select an operator and click .
A different set of operators appear in the Operators and Adapters drawer of the Palette view in StreamBase Studio. If you do not find an operator you are looking for on this page, look on the Operator Overview page.
Icon | Operator | Description |
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Apache Cassandra operators |
Apache Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers in a high availability, clustered environment. The Apache Cassandra operators allow an application to connect to a Cassandra database cluster and access its data. This is a suite of six single-purpose operators, each handling one of the following actions: Generic Query, Insert, Delete, Update, and Select, plus a Control operator. |
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Apache Kudu operators |
Apache Kudu is a distributed database management system that provides a combination of fast inserts/updates and efficient columnar scans to enable multiple real-time analytic workloads across a single storage layer. The Apache Kudu operators allow an application to connect to a Kudu database cluster and access its data. This is a suite of five single-purpose operators, each handling one of the following actions: Row Scan, Insert, Delete, Update, and Upsert. |
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Avro To Tuple |
The Avro to Tuple operator converts Apache Avro Record binary objects to StreamBase tuples. |
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Cluster State Filter |
The Cluster State Filter operator allows you to add cluster awareness to non-Java operators and adapters, including the Metronome and Heartbeat operators. |
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External Process operator | The External Process operator is a Java operator that provides a way for EventFlow modules to run arbitrary operating system commands as if typed at the shell command prompt for the current operating system. |
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Data Point To Schema Operator | The Data Point To Schema Operator is used to convert text based name field value pairs into StreamBase named schema. |
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Field Gather operator | The Field Gather Operator is used to gather fields of the input tuple over various styles of output types such as over time or by selected values. The purpose of this operator is to gather disparate field point values into a filled tuple. |
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Field Serializer operator | The Field Serializer operator is a Java operator that provides a way to serialize the unused fields of a large tuple into a single blob field, leaving untouched the fields that your application must process. At the end of your processing chain, after processing the fields of interest, you can deserialize the blob field to reconstruct the tuple's unused fields. This effectively compresses a large tuple as it passes through your application, for a potential throughput and performance improvement. |
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FTP operator | The FTP operator is a Java operator that sends FTP client commands to an FTP server, and allows you to specify FTP protocol-level commands, if desired. This operator sends commands, dependent upon the value of each tuple it receives. It does so asynchronously, so as to not incur high latency in the running EventFlow module. |
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Matrix operator | The Matrix Operator is used to gather tuples over various styles of output types such as over time or by selected values. The purpose of this operator is to create a matrix (list of tuples) of which the tuples fields are the columns of the matrix. |
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H2O Model Evaluator operator |
The H2O Model Evaluator operator enables EventFlow modules to execute numerical models generated with H2O. |
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JPMML Model Evaluator operator |
The JPMML Model Evaluator operator allows EventFlow modules to execute JPMML models. |
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Python operator |
The Python operator allows you to execute arbitrary Python code within an EventFlow module. |
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Python Instance operator |
Use the Python Instance operator to specify and configure the name and features of a constrained local instance execution environment for a set of Python operators. |
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HBase Admin operator |
The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for Apache HBase is implemented as a suite of five global Java operators, including the HBase Admin, Delete, Get, Put, and Scan operators. The HBase Admin operator allows an EventFlow module to handle data administration calls to a connected HBase database. The HBase Delete operator allows an EventFlow module to delete rows from a specified HBase table. The HBase Get operator allows an EventFlow module to extract rows by ID from a connected HBase database. The HBase Put operator allows an EventFlow module to insert data into a connected HBase database table. Finally, the HBase Scan operator allows an EventFlow module to return the entire contents of, or a range of rows from, a specified HBase table. |
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HBase Delete operator | |
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HBase Get operator | |
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HBase Put operator | |
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HBase Scan operator | |
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JMS and TIBCO EMS operators |
The JMS operators allow an application to connect to a JMS server and exchange messages with it. This is a suite of five single-purpose operators, each handling a particular action: JMS Producer, JMS Consumer, JMS Connect, JMS Ack, and JMS Commit. These five operators can be used with any JMS-compliant message server. There are also five TIBCO EMS operators that are tuned to work only with a TIBCO EMS message bus: EMS Producer, EMS Consumer, EMS Connect, EMS Ack, and EMS Commit. |
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JSON to Tuple operator |
The JSON to Tuple Java operator converts JSON strings to StreamBase tuples. The operator's input port schema must contain a user defined string field that passes an JSON-encoded string to the operator. The operator parses the JSON string and populates tuple fields corresponding to the data found in the string. Each JSON string enqueued to the operator results in a single tuple emitted on its output port. |
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Microsoft .NET operator | The Microsoft .NET operator provides a way to execute .NET code within the context of a StreamBase EventFlow module. |
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Python operator |
The Python operator allows you to execute arbitrary Python code within a StreamBase EventFlow module. |
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Python Instance operator |
The Python Instance operator allows you to execute arbitrary Python code within a StreamBase EventFlow module. |
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Runtime Schema Cast operator | The Runtime Schema Cast operator casts its input schema to its configured target output schema at runtime, expanding the subfields of any capture field in the input schema either by flattening or nesting the captured subfields. |
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TERR operator | The TERR operator allows StreamBase to use TIBCO's implementation of the R language to analyse and manipulate data. |
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TERR Predict operator | The TERR Predict operator allows StreamBase to use TIBCO's implementation of the R language to load RDS files and perform predict operations. |
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM operator |
The ActiveMatrix BPM operator allows an application to connect to a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM server and execute REST API calls. |
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TIBCO ActiveSpaces operators |
The TIBCO ActiveSpaces operators allow an application to connect to a TIBCO ActiveSpaces (version 3.0 or above) Data Grid and exchange data with it. This is a suite of six single-purpose operators, each handling one of the following actions: Control, Get, Put, Delete, Query and Transaction Operations. To connect to TIBCO ActiveSpaces versions prior to version 3.0, use a separate set of legacy operators. See TIBCO ActiveSpaces Legacy. |
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TIBCO StreamBase Admin operator | The TIBCO StreamBase Admin operator provides a way to directly run in Studio the equivalent of the sbadmin command-line utility without opening a shell window. Use the Admin operator to start, stop, pause, resume, and obtain status from running StreamBase modules and to start and stop adapters and StreamBase containers in the current fragment. |
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Tuple To Avro |
The Tuple to Avro operator converts StreamBase tuples to Apache Avro Record binary objects. |
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Tuple to JSON operator |
The Tuple to JSON Java operator converts StreamBase tuples to JSON-encoded data. Each tuple enqueued to the operator results in a single JSON string emitted on its output port. |
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Tuple to XML operator |
The Tuple to XML Java operator converts StreamBase tuples to XML-encoded messages. Each field in the operator's input port schema populates an element or attribute in the resulting XML message. Each tuple enqueued to the operator results in a single XML message emitted on its output port. |
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WITSML operators |
The WITSML operators allow an application to connect to a WITSML data store. |
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XML to Tuple operator |
The XML to Tuple Java operator converts XML-encoded messages to StreamBase tuples. The operator's input port schema has a single string field that passes an XML-encoded message to the operator. The operator parses the XML message and populates tuple fields corresponding to the elements and attributes found in the message. Each XML message enqueued to the operator results in a single tuple emitted on its output port. |
Also see the following related topics: