
epadmin object target — Loads and exports managed objects in CSV, XML, or JSON file formats.


epadmin [globalparameters] command object [commandparameters]


Use the object target to export objects from classes in Java fragments, and to load objects into such classes.

The object target has two commands:

The designation [sn|ad] in syntax examples is a reminder that this command requires either the global parameter ‑‑servicename or the ‑‑adminport and ‑‑hostname combination to identify the node or cluster of interest.

epadmin export object

Exports objects from classes in Java fragments to files in XML, JSON, or CSV formats.

epadmin [sn|ad] object --filename=<String> --format=<[xml, json, csv]> 
      --filename=<String> Export file name. 
      --format=<[xml, json, csv]> xml, csv, or json. 
      --class=<String> Class name of object to export. 

epadmin load object

Loads objects from XML, JSON, or CSV files into classes in Java fragments.

epadmin [sn|ad] load object --filename=<String> --format=<[xml, json, csv]> 
      [--action=<[add, update, replace]>] 
      --filename=<String> Load file name. 
      --format=<[xml, json, csv]> xml, csv, or json. 
          xml - Expects a root element to wrap the entire collection of objects 
          to load. 
          csv - Expects a header row with field names and array fields to be 
          wrapped in a String with a semicolon delimiter.njson - Expects an 
          array to wrap all the objects to load. 
      --class=<String> Class name of object being loaded. 
      [--action=<[add, update, replace]>] add, update, replace 
          add - Adds new objects, loaded objects that match unique key fields 
          of existing objects are discarded. Errors from duplicates, existing, 
          or unloadable objects are reported as errors and the load continues 
          without them. 
          update - New objects are added. Loaded objects that match unique key 
          fields of existing objects are updated to imported values. Unloadable 
          objects are reported as errors and load continues without them. 
          replace - Discards all existing objects and loads all the objects 
          from the file. Any error aborts the entire load and restores the 
          original objects. Default: add