
epadmin querytable target — Shows a list of and reads from EventFlow Query Tables.


epadmin [globalparameters] command querytable [commandparameters]


Use the querytable target to display the properties of Query Tables in a running EventFlow module and to read all or a limited set of rows from such Query Tables.

The querytable target has two commands:

The designation [sn|ad] in syntax examples is a reminder that this command requires either the global parameter ‑‑servicename or the ‑‑adminport and ‑‑hostname combination to identify the node or cluster of interest.

epadmin display querytable

Displays the properties of Query Tables in the specified engine, node, or cluster.

epadmin [sn|ad] display querytable
epadmin [sn|ad] display querytable --engine=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] display querytable --path=default.submodule.cutie
epadmin [sn|ad] display querytable --engine=JVMengine1 --path=default.submodule.cutie

Example output:

[B.sbuser] Engine = JVMEngineB
[B.sbuser] Path = default.Bids_and_Asks
[B.sbuser] Description = 
[B.sbuser] Shared = false
[B.sbuser] Delta Stream Enabled = false
[B.sbuser] Data Location = Local
[B.sbuser] Storage Method = Heap
[B.sbuser] Truncate on Startup = false
[B.sbuser] Schema = (symbol string, best_bid double, best_ask double)
[B.sbuser] Primary Index = Unordered, no ranges (hash):(symbol string)
[B.sbuser] Secondary Indexes = Ordered, with ranges (btree):(_SB_rowModificationCount long)
[B.sbuser] Distribute Data = false
[B.sbuser] Data Distribution Policy = 
[B.sbuser] Data Mapper Type = 
[B.sbuser] Cardinality = 2960
Command Parameter Description Required
engine Engine name filter. No. The default is to display all Query Tables on all engines.
path Path filter, using StreamBase path notation. No. The default is to display all Query Tables at all paths.

epadmin read querytable

Reads all or a defined set of rows from a Query Table in a running EventFlow module.

epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable
epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable --engine=JVMengine1 --verbose
epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable --path=default.submodule.cutie --format=json
epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable --path=default.submodule.cutie --format=csv 
   --nullstring=empty --quotechar"'"
epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable --path=default.submodule.cutie --limit=0
epadmin [sn|ad] read querytable --queryscope=node --where="value=10"

Comma separated value (CSV) formatted rows have a syntax of: value1, value2, .... For example: Steve,30.

JSON formatted rows have a syntax of {fieldName1:value1, fieldName2:value2, ...}. For example: {name:Steve,age:30}.

Command Parameter Description Required
engine Engine name filter. No. The default is to read all Query Tables on all engines.
format A string that controls the output format of rows, one of: csv or json. No. The default is csv.
limit An integer value limiting the number of rows to return. A value of 0 is no limit. No. The default value is 10.
nullstring Null string indicator in csv formatted output. No. The default is null.
path Path filter, using StreamBase path notation. No. The default is to read all Query Tables at all paths.
queryscope A string that controls the scope of the read query, one of: cluster or node. No. The default is cluster.
quotechar Quote character value in csv formatted output. No. The default is ".
verbose Boolean value to control whether row output contains engine and path information. A value of true includes engine and path information in the row output. No. The default is false.
where An EventFlow predicate condition. The predicate must evaluate to true to include the row in the output. No. The default is true (include all rows).