
epadmin stream target — Enqueues to or dequeues from streams in an EventFlow module.


epadmin [globalparameters] command stream [commandparameters]


Use the stream target to enqueue to or dequeue from a stream in a running EventFlow module.

The stream target has three commands:

The designation [sn|ad] in syntax examples is a reminder that this command requires either the global parameter ‑‑servicename or the ‑‑adminport and ‑‑hostname combination to identify the node or cluster of interest.

epadmin dequeue stream

Dequeues tuples from a stream.

epadmin [sn|ad] dequeue stream
epadmin [sn|ad] dequeue stream --engine=JVMengine1 --verbose --where="value=10"
epadmin [sn|ad] dequeue stream --path=default.myModule.myOutputStream --format=json
epadmin [sn|ad] dequeue stream --format=csv --nullstring=empty --quotechar="'"
epadmin [sn|ad] dequeue stream --timestamp --timestampformat="HH:mm:ss"
Command Parameter Description Required
engine Engine name filter. No. The default is to dequeue all streams on all engines.
format A string to control the output format of dequeued tuples, one of: csv or json. No. The default is csv.
nullstring Null string indicator in csv formatted output. No. The default is null.
path Path filter, using StreamBase path notation. No. The default is to dequeue all streams at all paths.
quotechar Quote character value in csv formatted output. No. The default is ".
timestamp Boolean value to control whether the tuple output contains a timestamp. No. The default is false.
timestampformat A string value specifying the timestamp format to use. The timestamp format is defined by the Java SimpleDataFormat class. No. The default is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
verbose Boolean value to control whether tuple output contains engine and path information. A value of true includes engine and path information in the tuple output. No. The default is false.
where An EventFlow predicate condition. The predicate must evaluate to true to include the tuple in the output. No. The default is true (include all tuples).

epadmin display stream

Displays a list of the streams in a running EventFlow module, with optional details.

epadmin [sn|ad] display stream
epadmin [sn|ad] display stream --engine=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] display stream --path=default.myModule.myOutputStream
epadmin [sn|ad] display stream --path=default.myModule.myOutputStream --detailed
epadmin [sn|ad] display stream --type=input
Command Parameter Description Required
detailed Boolean value to control whether to include detailed stream information, incl.uding type, enqueuing or dequeing, total tuples, and schema. A value of true includes those details. No. The default is false.
engine Engine name filter. No. The default is to display all streams on all engines.
path Path filter, using StreamBase path notation. No. The default is to display all streams at all paths.
type A string that filters the list of streams by type, one of: input, output, or all. No. The default is all.

epadmin enqueue stream

Enqueues tuples onto a stream.

epadmin [sn|ad] enqueue stream
epadmin [sn|ad] enqueue stream --engine=JVMengine1
epadmin [sn|ad] enqueue stream --path=default.myModule.myInputStream --format=json
epadmin [sn|ad] enqueue stream --path=default.myModule.myInputStream --format=csv 
    --nullstring=empty --quotechar="'"
epadmin [sn|ad] enqueue stream --path=default.myModule.myInputStream --input=myinput.json

Comma separated value (CSV) formatted tuples have a syntax of: value1, value2, ..., with list values enclosed in square brackets. For example: Steve,30,[Bob,Mary,Joe].

JSON formatted tuples have a syntax of {fieldName1:value1, fieldName2:value2, ...,} with list values enclosed in square brackets. For example: {name:Steve,age:30,children:[Bob,Mary,Joe]}.

Tuples are enqueued following a new line for both standard input or an input file.

Command Parameter Description Required
engine Engine name filter. No. The default is to enqueue to all streams on all engines.
format A string to control the input format of enqueued tuples, one of: csv or json. No. The default is csv.
input Specifies a file path to indicate whether to read input from that file, specifies - to indicate reading from standard input. No. The default is -.
nullstring Null string indicator in csv formatted input. No. The default is null.
path Path filter, using StreamBase path notation. No. The default is to enqueue to all streams at all paths.
quotechar Quote character value in csv formatted input. No. The default is ".