StreamBase C++ API
This is the complete list of members for sb::StreamBaseClient, including all inherited members.
ALL_CONTAINERS enum value | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
canDequeue() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
close() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL (defined in sb::StreamBaseClient) | sb::StreamBaseClient | static |
dequeue(StreamProperties &streamProperties) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
dequeue(std::string &stream_name) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
dequeue() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
dequeue(int timeout_ms) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
describe(const std::string &entity) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enableBuffering(int buffer_size, int flush_interval=DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enableHeartbeating() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enqueue(const std::string &stream_name, Tuple &tuple) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enqueue(const StreamProperties &props, Tuple &tuple) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enqueue(const std::string &stream_name, TupleList &tuples) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
enqueue(const StreamProperties &props, TupleList &tuples) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
flushAllBuffers() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
flushBuffer(const StreamProperties &props) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
flushBuffer(const std::string &stream_name) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAMES enum value | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getBufferSize() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getConnectionID() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getConnectionIdAsHexString() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getDequeueResultsInterceptor() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getDynamicVariables(const std::string &modulePath) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getIsBuffering() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getSchemaByHash(const std::string &hash) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getSchemaByName(const std::string &name) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getSchemaForStream(const std::string &entity, StreamProperties::CaptureTransformStrategy strategy=StreamProperties::FLATTEN) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getSettings() | sb::StreamBaseClient | inline |
getStreamProperties(const std::string &entity, StreamProperties::CaptureTransformStrategy strategy=StreamProperties::FLATTEN) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getStreamPropertiesByHash(const std::string &hex) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getTupleDequeueCount() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getTupleEnqueueCount() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getURI() const | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getURIs() const (defined in sb::StreamBaseClient) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
getVersion() | sb::StreamBaseClient | inline |
INCLUDE_MODULES enum value | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
isClosed() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
isConnected() | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
isStreamSubscribed(const std::string &entity) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
listEntities(const std::string &type, int flags, std::vector< std::string > &names) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
listEntities(StreamBaseEntityType::Type type, int flags, std::vector< std::string > &names) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
listEntities(StreamBaseEntityType::Type type, std::vector< std::string > &names) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
ListEntitiesFlags enum name | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
operatorStatus(const std::string &containerName, std::vector< std::string > &aStatus) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
readTable(const std::string &tablePath, int limit, const std::string &predicate="") | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
resubscribe(const std::string &stream_name, const std::string &logical_stream, const std::string &predicate) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
resubscribe(const StreamProperties &props, const std::string &logical_stream, const std::string &predicate) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
setDequeueResultInterceptor(DequeueResult::Interceptor *dri) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
setDynamicVariable(const std::string &dynamicVariablePath, const std::string &value) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
setQuiescentLimit(int timeoutMS) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
status(std::vector< std::string > &aStatus, bool verbose=false) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
StreamBaseClient(const StreamBaseURI &uri=StreamBaseURI::fromEnvironment(), int buffer_size=0, int flush_interval=DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
StreamBaseClient(const std::string &uris, int buffer_size=0, int flush_interval=DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL) (defined in sb::StreamBaseClient) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
StreamBaseClient(const std::vector< StreamBaseURI > &uris, int buffer_size=0, int flush_interval=DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL) (defined in sb::StreamBaseClient) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
StreamBaseClient(const std::vector< StreamBaseURI > &uris, sb::ClientSettings &settings, int buffer_size=0, int flush_interval=DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL) (defined in sb::StreamBaseClient) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
subscribe(const std::string &stream_name) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
subscribe(const StreamProperties &props) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
subscribe(const std::string &stream_name, const std::string &logical_stream, const std::string &predicate) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
subscribe(const StreamProperties &props, const std::string &logical_stream, const std::string &predicate) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
typecheck(const std::string &sbapp, std::map< std::string, Schema > &streams, bool full=false) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
unsubscribe(const std::string &stream_name) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
unsubscribe(const StreamProperties &props) | sb::StreamBaseClient | |
~StreamBaseClient() | sb::StreamBaseClient |