The TIBCO AMS operator is an intermediary through which data files can be loaded (pulled) from a TIBCO Artifact Management
Server to a TIBCO model operator within an EventFlow module, or deployed (pushed) from the Artifact Management Server to a
running EventFlow module configured with a model operator. To do this, the TIBCO AMS operator:
Receives control information internally and exposes it on its output port.
Takes in status information through its status port and reports the status to the Artifact Management Server.
Provides the initial connection to Artifact Management Server and receives any version of a given set of data files.
Running the TIBCO AMS operator by itself provides no service and is not recommended.
The TIBCO Artifact Management Server, hereafter, AMS, is a separately installed product from TIBCO StreamBase. AMS supports and can store a variety of file types in its repository. From an AMS perspective, a data file is considered an artifact (and bears no relation to the concept of Apache Maven artifacts). For more information about AMS, see its product documentation.
The following operators support loading data files using the TIBCO AMS operator:
TIBCO StreamBase® Operator For H2O Model Evaluator
TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for JPMML Model Evaluator
TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for Spark/MLlib Model Evaluator
TIBCO StreamBase® TERR operator for TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR)
Name: Use this required field to specify or change the name of this instance of this component, which must be unique in the current EventFlow module. The name must contain only alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscores, and no hyphens or other special characters. The first character must be alphabetic or an underscore.
Enable Error Output Port: Select this check box to add an Error Port to this component. In the EventFlow canvas, the Error Port shows as a red output port, always the last port for the component. See Using Error Ports to learn about Error Ports.
Description: Optionally enter text to briefly describe the component's purpose and function. In the EventFlow canvas, you can see the description by pressing Ctrl while the component's tooltip is displayed.
Use the TIBCO AMS Settings tab to configure whether and which data file loads when a connected EventFlow module starts. This tab also configures the operator's logging level.
![]() |
Field Name | Field Description |
Load at Startup | Select this check box to set whether the data file is loaded from an Artifact Management Server upon startup of the EventFlow module to which this TIBCO AMS operator is configured. |
Host Name | AMS host name. |
Port Number | AMS port number. |
Secure Channel | Check this box if your communications channel to AMS is enabled for SSL. |
Username | AMS username. |
Password | AMS password for the username. |
Project Name | Project folder in AMS where the data file is located. |
Artifact Path | Fully qualified directory path of the data file. |
Artifact Version | Int. Version of the data file. Leaving the field blank or entering -1 equates to "latest artifact version". Otherwise, enter the version number, which must match the version number for the artifact
as stored in AMS.
Report Downstream Status | When checked (recommended), the TIBCO AMS operator receives a status tuple from the connected downstream operator to indicate whether the model file was successfully received by the downstream operator. |
Log Level | Controls the level of verbosity the operator uses to send notifications to the console. This setting can be higher than the containing application's log level. If set lower, the system log level will be used. Available values, in increasing order of verbosity, are: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO (Default), DEBUG, TRACE, and ALL. |
Use the Concurrency tab to specify the use of parallel regions for this instance of this component. Consider selecting the parallel regions check box if this component instance is long-running or compute-intensive, can run without data dependencies on other StreamBase components, and would not cause the containing module to block while waiting for a thread to return. In this case, you may be able to improve performance by selecting this option. This option directs StreamBase Server to process this component concurrently with other processing in the application. The operating systems supported by StreamBase automatically distribute the processing of threads across multiple processors.
The parallel regions setting is not suitable for every application, and using this setting requires a thorough analysis of your application. For details, see Execution Order and Concurrency, which includes important guidelines for using the concurrency options.
The TIBCO AMS operator contains the following ports.
The TIBCO AMS operator contains one user-visible input port, which is used to relay the artifact load status from the downstream operator to the AMS. If the Report Downstream Status check box is unchecked, tuples received on this port are ignored, and the TIBCO AMS operator emits its own internally generated status tuples on its status port in response to artifact load operations:
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description | ||
command | string | The only valid command value is ReportStatus .
artifactPath | tuple | The fully qualified path of the loaded artifact. | ||
status | tuple | The output of the downstream operator's status port. This port must have the following fields: | ||
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description | ||
command | string | Ignored. | ||
tag | string | Must contain the tag used by the AMS in loading the artifact. | ||
type | string | Must contain "error" if the downstream operator failed to load the artifact. | ||
action | string | Ignored. | ||
object | string | Ignored. | ||
message | string | A human-readable string describing the results of the artifact load operation. | ||
time | timestamp | Ignored. |
The TIBCO AMS operator contains two user-visible output ports, one (AMSData) to send received artifacts to the downstream operator, and a second (AMSStatus) to emit tuples that convey the status of artifact load operations:
AMSData Output Port
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
command | string | The command used to load the artifact from the AMS. |
tag | string | The tag specified by the AMS in uploading artifacts used to correlate upload requests with status tuples. |
projectName | string | The name of the artifact's AMS project. |
artifactPath | string | The fully qualified artifact path. |
artifactVersion | int | The artifact version. |
artifactContents | blob | The binary content of the artifact. Binary artifacts are base64-encoded within the AMS. The TIBCO AMS operator base64-decodes the artifact content before emitting it in an AMSData tuple. |
artifactMetadata | string | Artifact metadata, such as model-specific schema information. Must be in a JSON-compliant format. |
AMSStatus Output Port
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
command | string | The original command used in loading the artifact from the AMS. |
tag | string | The tag specified by the AMS in uploading artifacts. |
status | boolean | True if the artifact load was successful and false otherwise. |
message | string | A human-readable string describing the results of the artifact load operation. |