Using Live Datamart Clients

The TIBCO® Live Datamart product family includes both server and client components:

  • The server component is the LiveView Server. See Getting Started with LiveView Server for an introduction.

  • You have several options for client programs, as described on this page.

TIBCO LiveView Desktop

TIBCO LiveView Desktop™ is a separately licensed client application that is based on Eclipse. LiveView Desktop is described as follows:

TIBCO LiveView Web

TIBCO LiveView Web™ Enterprise Edition is a browser-based application that allows you to create a rich display of cards that visualize data from queries and to create actions against a Live Datamart server. It displays data in a variety of real-time charting formats, and supports extensions such as custom visuals using JavaScript. Cards are created and laid out in pages, with each card presenting the results of a continuous query against the Live Datamart server in a variety of visualizations and data displays.

For further information, consult the documentation installed with TIBCO LiveView Web™.


Live Datamart includes the lv-client command line tool that provides simple access to a running LiveView server. See the lv-client reference page for details.

Custom-Written Clients

You can write your own custom clients using either the LiveView Java Client API or the LiveView JavaScript Client API as described in the LiveView Development Guide.