System Management

StreamBase® system management is done using any of the following:

  • A command line tool named epadmin

  • A Java Management Extensions (JMX) console

Applications can extend the standard StreamBase® management features. Application management features are automatically visible using the standard StreamBase® system management tools.

An application adds system management features by implementing a target. A target is a grouping of common management functions. A target has one or more commands. Each command provides a specific management function.

A command can optionally return one or more rows of data. Each row of data must have the same number of columns. The first row returned contains the column names.

Commands can run synchronously or asynchronously. A synchronous command completes its function before it returns. An asynchronous command continues to run after returning.

When a command is executed it is in a transaction. The transaction is committed after the command returns. This is true for both synchronous and asynchronous commands. An exception thrown by a command causes the transaction to be rolled back. A new transaction must be started when an asynchronous command calls a method on a target after returning from the initial invocation by the administration framework.

Node Logging

Log messages generated by nodes are available in:

  • Node log files

  • JMX notifications


All system management commands require authentication before they can be executed. The authentication information is used to both identify the user running the command and to also check role based security polices to ensure that the user has access to the requested command. Access control is enforced before a command is executed. If the user running the command does not have access to the requested command, an error is returned without running the command.

Access control rules are configured for each system management target independently.

See the StreamBase® Administration for complete details.