To debug a StreamBase application means to run the application in debug mode and use the StreamBase visual debugger to pause your running StreamBase application and step through its processing. See Running Compared to Debugging for a discussion of running versus debugging your applications.
The EventFlow debugger works in StreamBase Studio on EventFlow applications. While your application is running, you can stop on breakpoints, see the path currently being taken through your EventFlow diagram, and see the current tuple contents in the Variables view.
If one EventFlow application references a second EventFlow application in the same subfolder within a project, to run the application you must add the subfolder to the module search path. One symptom of failing to do this is receiving a "module not found" message from the debugger when attempting to step into a referenced module.
When using the debugger, start by launching your application in debug mode, as described in the next section.
StreamBase Studio provides a default launch configuration for running applications in debug mode. This lets you debug right away without stopping to configure a launch configuration.
To run an application on the local StreamBase Server using the default debug configuration, first make sure your application is currently active in the Editor view, and is saved and free of typecheck errors. Then use any of these methods:
Click the Debug button (
) on the toolbar.
Press F11.
Alt+Shift+D, B. That is, press and hold the Alt, Shift, and D keys at the same time. Release them, and immediately press the B key.
→ → from the top-level menu. (This option only appears in the Run menu if the currently selected Editor view is an EventFlow or StreamSQL editor.) -
Right-click in the canvas of your application in the Editor view, and select
→ from the context menu. -
Right-click the name of your top-level application's EventFlow or StreamSQL file in the Package Explorer view, and select
→ from the context menu. -
Click the down-arrow next to the toolbar's
button, and select → from the menu.
Use the Debug Configurations dialog to edit, name, and save a debug configuration. See Editing Launch Configurations.
To debug an application with a custom configuration, invoke the configuration's name in one of the following ways:
Open the Debug Configurations dialog as described in Open a Launch Configuration Dialog. Select the name of the launch configuration in the contents pane on the left, then click the Debug button.
→ → from the top-level menu. -
Click the down-arrow next to the toolbar's
button, and select your configuration's name from the menu.
The following topics provide the details of debugging StreamBase applications.
See Using the EventFlow Debugger to learn about using the visual debugging features of StreamBase Studio.
See Editing Launch Configurations to learn about creating and saving custom debug launch configurations for debugging your StreamBase applications.