Interface TupleMaker<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The object type from which this factory can build tuples
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTupleMaker, CSVTupleMaker, JSONSingleQuotesTupleMaker, JSONTupleMaker, ObjectArrayTupleMaker

public interface TupleMaker<T>
Interface for constructing tuples from data. A TupleMarker is a straight forward way of creating a tuple using a schema. The maker user the fields in the schema to create the Tuple. For instance, say you have a schema like the following:
     name : String
     address : String
     phone : string
You could use the tuple maker like this:
    Tuple tuple = tupleMaker.createTuple(schema, "Joe Smith", "101 Main St", "508-555-1212");
Examine the subclasses of TupleMaker in the see section for concrete implementations.
See Also: