To run an EventFlow fragment in StreamBase
Studio, select the top-level EventFlow module of interest in the project's src/main/eventflow/
folder, right-click, and from the
context menu, select > .
You can also right-click anywhere in the blank space of the EventFlow Editor's canvas for the module of interest, and select the same context menu item.
You can select the project folder itself in the Project Explorer view, right-click, and select the same menu item. In this case, if the project contains only one EventFlow module, it is opened. If the project has more than one module, Studio prompts you to select the module to run.
Finally, you can click the ) in Studio's top-level
toolbar under these circumstances:
The EventFlow module of interest is open in the EventFlow Editor and is the currently active tab, or
The module of interest was the last one you ran.
The first EventFlow fragment you launch in a new Studio workspace can take several extra minutes to start. This is because Studio takes this opportunity to load and configure the Maven build system on your computer. Watch the status bar at the bottom of the Studio window to see the progress of this initial launch. Subsequent launches take less time.
Studio handles all the details of installing and starting a node to contain the fragment. When an EventFlow fragment or single module is running, you can send tuples to its Input Streams using the Manual Input view or using a feed simulation called by the Feed Simulations view.
You can launch more than one EventFlow fragment at the same time, including more than one instance of the same fragment. Use the Clusters view to manage the launched nodes currently running.
To stop a currently running EventFlow fragment, click the ) in Studio's
top-level toolbar, or press the F9 key.
If more than one EventFlow fragment is running, Studio prompts you to select the
fragments you want to stop.
The Clusters view's toolbar also has ) and (
) buttons. Best practice is to
reserve these buttons for node management, such as when necessary to intervene to
stop and remove a node manually. The Clusters view's button does stop a fragment from running, but not with the
graceful shutdown process offered by the Studio
button (
To run a LiveView fragment in StreamBase Studio, select the LiveView project folder in the Project Explorer view, right-click, and from the context menu, select
> .Important
Do NOT run the same LiveView project more than once at the same time without also configuring the project to store its configuration metadata in transactional memory or in a configured JDBC database.
You CAN run two or more different LiveView projects at the same time without configuring their metadata stores.
If the LiveView Project
Viewer for the project of interest is the currently active tab in the Editor
pane, you can click the button () in the top right corner
of the Project Viewer.
LiveView projects can take several minutes to compile and launch, depending on the amount of memory configured for your project to use, your system's speed, and the number of LiveView tables to configure. Second and subsequent launches of the same project take less time.
The LiveView project is ready to use when you see the following message in the Console view:
*** All tables have been loaded. LiveView is ready to accept client connections.
To stop a currently running LiveView fragment, click Terminate StreamBase Launches () in
Studio's top-level toolbar or press Ctrl+F9
(Windows) or Command+F9 (Mac). If more than one LiveView fragment is
running, Studio presents a dialog for you to select the fragments you want to stop.
Studio cannot be used to connect or debug EventFlow or LiveView fragments using secured listeners. A fragment uses a secured listener if it has a Client API Listener configuration with a secure communication server profile configured. When running these fragments in Studio the secureCommunicationProfileName configuration field in the Client API Listener configuration should be cleared.