LiveView New and Noteworthy Archive

This topic summarizes the history of significant changes in past releases of TIBCO LiveView™.

New in Live Datamart 10.3.0

This section lists the new and noteworthy features of TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.3.0 and its component products.

See Fixed in LiveView 10.3.0 for a list of issues resolved in this release.

New Features

Live Datamart 10.3.0 added the following updates and new features:

LiveView Server Clusters Now Supported

In previous releases, LiveView servers were restricted to running one LiveView instance of the same project at a time. This was largely because the server metadata was silently stored in a local H2 database that was not shared between two instances of the same project.

Starting with release 10.3.0, multiple LiveView server instances of the same project can now be configured and run in a cluster. This is possible because Live Datamart now supports two new metadata storage methods: in a JDBC database, or in the shared transactional memory of the nodes hosting the servers.

This feature includes:

  • Storing server metadata in a local H2 database is still the default configuration, so you must explicitly configure servers to use JDBC or transactional memory for shared metadata storage. See HOCON Properties Explained for configuration details.

  • Two new LiveView privileges enable importing and exporting resources between LiveView servers: LiveViewMetadataImport and LiveViewMetadataExport.

  • Two new LiveView lv-client subcommands allow you to import and export resources between LiveView servers. See lv-client Reference for information on the importmetadata and exportmetadata commands.

  • GUIDs replace long IDs in the LVAlerts and LVAlertRulesStatus system tables per Changes in Functionality.

New Security Authentication Realms Added for Single Sign-on

This release adds Single Sign-on support for LiveView clients connecting to LiveView servers through the following authentication realms:

LiveQL Enhanced

The LiveView Query language was enhanced to support SQL-standard HAVING clauses. See LiveQL Reference for more information.

LiveView System Table Projection Support Enhanced

All LiveView System tables now support projections with simple expressions, including aliases.

LiveView High Availability Tables Sample Added

A new sample demonstrates LiveView's high availability table group feature, which allows multiple LiveView instances to be in a high availability setup and allow recovery from failed servers or servers that were administratively taken down. See the sample's readme as well as Multiple Remote Data Layer Back Ends for more information about high availability table group configuration.

Client Connections Now Support Improved Continuous Aggregate Query Result Set Consistency

Java and .NET LiveView client APIs can now optionally identify when a set of continuous aggregate result set calculations are maximally consistent. Improved consistency is done by introducing two new client callbacks that indicate first when a result set is consistent and is not going to change, and second when the result set is no longer consistent and is going to change again. This feature helps improve consistency both with a single query, and also between multiple queries to the same table.

The feature is enabled when an optional client capability is set in the client connection configuration. Clients that do not set this option do not see a change in behavior; setting this option enables support for all aggregate queries on that connection to have the new callbacks.

New Alert Adapter

This release adds the LiveView Alert Configuring Output Adapter that allows you to list, create, modify and remove alerts from LiveView servers. See LiveView Alert Configuring Output Adapter for more information. The LiveView Adapters sample was updated to include an example of this new adapter.

Alert Owners Are Now Set to the User Creating the Alert

If Live Datamart is configured with authentication enabled, the user name associated with an alert is now forced to be the authenticated principal name from the session. If authentication is not enabled, the user name associated with the alert remains whatever the client sets in the user name of the AlertRule before sending it to the server.

REST API Enhanced

The REST API for Live Datamart adds alert calls, as well as table permission checking for user interfaces. See LiveView Server REST API for more information.

LiveView Sample Support

The list of tested and supported LiveView samples that are available in StreamBase 10 Maven format now includes:

lv_sample_alerting_advanced lv_sample_lv-sbd
lv_sample_auth lv_sample_lvweb
lv_sample_author_time_agg lv_sample_lvweb_themes
lv_sample_custom_id_generation lv_sample_minimal
lv_sample_desktop_custom_view lv_sample_panomaps
lv_sample_field_rules lv_sample_preprocessor
lv_sample_ha_tables lv_sample_publisher
lv_sample_helloliveview lv_sample_rest_python
lv_sample_java_clientapi lv_sample_sbd_table
lv_sample_javascript lv_sample_services_only
lv_sample_jdbc_table lv_sample_transform

While these samples are not fully ready for Release 10.x, they are a starting point and are included for that reason.

lv_sample_activespaces lv_sample_ems_recovery
lv_sample_dotnet lv_sample_ftl_recovery
Alert Rule Field Substitution Can Now Include More Environment Information

You can now add system properties into your alerts via the liveview.alert.sysprop.whitelist, such as the LiveView server version. For white list details, see Using LiveView Alerts: Field Name System Properties.

Changes in Functionality

Release 10.3.0 includes the following changes in functionality.

New Live Datamart Server Capabilities Added for GUIDs in Alerts

This release includes a new Live Datamart server capability to support GUIDs in alert rules. GUIDs replaced long IDs for alert rules, to support optional JDBC and transactional memory data stores, (both data store types require GUIDs in lieu of long IDs; H2 supports both). For backward compatibility, 10.3.0 Live Datamart servers continue to support pre-10.3.0 clients and 10.3.0 Live Datamart clients continue to support pre-10.3.0 servers, with respect to alert rule IDs.

Alert GUIDs are now displayed in the LVAlerts and LVAlertRulesStatus system tables. See LiveView System Tables for examples.

JDBC Datasource shareConnection Option Changed

The Live Datamart JDBC table provider would previously open one JDBC connection per table it discovered in the configured database. This was changed so that if the shareConnection option in a com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.jdbcdatasource file is true for a JDBC datasource, only one connection is opened for all tables the provider discovers and all queries go over this one long-lived connection. If shareConnection is not set, there are no long-lived JDBC connections and a new JDBC connection is opened and then closed for each new query made.

Deprecated Features

This release includes the following deprecations.

Java Client API Deprecations for LiveViewConnection

In the Java LiveView client's LiveViewConnection API, the following deprecated methods were removed. TIBCO now recommends using the LiveView client's Alert Manager API:

List<AlertRule> getAlertRules(String user)
AlertRule getAlertRule(long alertID)
AlertRule createAlertRule()
AlertRule setAlertRule(AlertRule rule)
void deleteAlertRule(Long id)
void validateAlertRule(AlertRule rule)
.NET Live Datamart Client API Deprecations

In the .NET LiveView client API, the following methods are now deprecated:

IAlertRule.ID property

The above APIs are replaced by the following variants, which use a GUID instead of a long as an ID:

IAlertRule.GUID property
Java Client Alert Manager API Deprecations

In the Java LiveView client's Alert Manager API, the following methods are now deprecated:

AlertRule getAlertRule(long alertID)
void deleteAlertRule(Long id)

The above APIs are replaced by the following variants, which use a GUID instead of a long as an ID:

AlertRule getAlertRule(String guid)
void deleteAlertRule(String guid)
Java Client Table Provider API Deprecations

The following items were deprecated in Live Datamart 2.1 and are now removed from the LiveViewConnection API in 10.3.0:


Methods in TableAdminManager now replace the deprecated ones listed above.

Migration and Compatibility

There are no migration or compatibility issues related to upgrading to Release 10.3.0.

New in Live Datamart 10.2.1

This section lists the new and noteworthy features of TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.1 and its component products.

See Fixed in LiveView 10.2.1 for a list of issues resolved in this release.

New Features

Live Datamart 10.2.1 added the following updates and new features:

LiveView .NET Client API Reinstated

The LiveView .NET API, which was previously available in Live Datamart 2.x but not Live Datamart 10.x, is now reinstated and fully supported on Windows platforms. See LiveView .NET Client API Location for more information regarding the API.

Bundled LiveView Version Updated

The version of LiveView Web Developer Edition included with Live Datamart was updated to release 1.3.2.

Data Source Aggregation Options Enhanced in LiveView Configuration File Editor

Two fields were added to the aggregation option to configure the Data Table lvconf file type:

  • Group By

  • Define Pivot Table

See LVconf Type: Data Table for an explanation of field usage.

Changes in Functionality

There are no functionality changes to Release 10.2.1.

Deprecated Features

This release does not include any deprecations.

Migration and Compatibility

There are no migration or compatibility issues related to upgrading to Release 10.2.1.

New in Live Datamart 10.2.0

This section lists the new and noteworthy features of TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.2.0 and its component products.

See Fixed in LiveView 10.2.0 for a list of issues resolved in this release.

New Features

TIBCO Live Datamart® 10.2.0 added the following updates and new features:

Multiple Fragment Launch Support

Live Datamart 10.2 supports the launching of more than one LiveView fragment in Studio, as reported for EventFlow fragments. The Studio features that support multiple launches are described on this page.


You can run more than one LiveView project at the same time from different LiveView projects only.

Live Datamart 10.2.0 does NOT support running the same LiveView project more than one at a time. This is because access to the database that stores user authentication and alert configuration information is not configured for access from multiple LiveView instances. Running more than one instance of the same LiveView project may result in data loss.

This limitation is expected to be lifted in a future release.


This release adds a REST API for Live Datamart in addition to the existing Java, JavaScript, and .NET Client APIs. See LiveView Server REST API for more information.

GROUP-BY Modifiers Supported in LiveQL Statements

LiveQL statements to query Live Datamart servers can now use GROUP-BY modifiers that use a StreamBase expression, instead of just grouping by column names. See LiveQL Syntax Reference for more information. To support the enhancement, the QueryModel interface was changed. getOrderBy and getDirection are replaced with getOrderDefinition(). A new method, getQueryLanguage was also added.

When using the LVConf Editor, you must use the Source tab to manually add a GROUP BY modifier that uses an expression. When you return to a forms-based view, an error message displays that you can ignore. The Editor is expected to be updated in a future release.

New Python Sample

This release adds a Python sample, which demonstrates the LiveView REST API using simple Python scripts.

Changes in Functionality

The following functionality change occurred since release 10.1.1.

HOCON Security Changes

See Migration and Compatibility, below.

Deprecated Features

This release does not include any deprecations.

Migration and Compatibility

Refer to the following for migration information when upgrading a prior release to 10.2.0.

Any sub-folder element in LiveView lvconf Now Ignored on Upgrade

When converting LiveView 2.x projects to 10.2.0, any sub-folder element in a 2.x lvconf file is now safely ignored and removed.

HOCON Security Changes

The security configuration HOCON type was significantly updated, with changes to better support LiveView and TIBCO LiveView™ Web security. As a result, you must update any LiveView 10.1.x projects configured for authentication to the new configuration format. See the Configuration Guide page for security, as well as:

The LiveView Authentication and LiveView Web samples were updated to use the new security configuration and can serve as references. See README files for those samples.

New in Live Datamart 10.1.1

This section lists the new and noteworthy features of TIBCO® Live Datamart 10.1.1 and its component products.

See Fixed in LiveView 10.1.1 for a list of issues resolved in this release.

LiveView New Features and Updates

This release does not introduce new features or updates beyond what is described in the link shown above.

New in Live Datamart 10.1.0

TIBCO® Live Datamart is re-introduced to the StreamBase product line as of release 10.1.0. This section lists the new and noteworthy features of TIBCO Live Datamart 10.1.0 and its component products.

See Fixed in LiveView 10.1.0 for a list of issues resolved in this release.

LiveView New Features and Updates

LiveView Web Included in Live Datamart 10.1.0

Live Datamart now includes TIBCO LiveView™ Web Standard Edition, which is licensed for limited use as described in License Considerations.

To configure LiveView Web 1.2.1 to work with Live Datamart 10.1.0, please consult the LiveView Web documentation.

Author-Time High Availability Tables Supported

Live Datamart now supports configuring Author-Time high-availability tables that are backed by multiple Live Datamart instances and that automatically reissue queries from fallen servers. This is configured by adding multiple remote URIs to the existing remote table feature. See Multiple Remote Data Layer Back Ends for more information.

LiveView Sample Support

With the re-introduction of Live Datamart into StreamBase 10.1.0, the following LiveView samples are now available in StreamBase 10 Maven format, and are known to work:

lv_sample_alerting_advanced lv_sample_minimal
lv_sample_author_time_agg lv_sample_panomaps
lv_sample_custom_id_generation lv_sample_preprocessor
lv_sample_desktop_custom_view lv_sample_publisher
lv_sample_field_rules lv_sample_sbd_table
lv_sample_helloliveview lv_sample_services_only
lv_sample_java_clientapi lv_sample_transform

The following LiveView samples are also provided, but have not been fully tested:

lv_sample_activespaces lv_sample_ftl_recovery
lv_sample_auth lv_sample_jdbc_table
lv_sample_dotnet lv_sample_kafka_recovery
Additional Information Provided in LVSessionQueries Table

The LVSessionQueries table has a new column named RemoteServer. This column provides table-specific information to help identify which remote server is running the query. This column is null for local LiveView tables.

LiveView Publisher Interface Change

The LiveView Publisher interface has changed. Publishers must now implement an output stream called PublisherStateOut that reports on publisher status during recovery.

Pivot Query Support

Live Datamart now supports pivot queries to create pivot tables. See Pivot Queries to learn more. To illustrate this feature, the Hello LiveView sample was updated to include a Pivot Queries perspective, from which you can run pivot queries on the ItemSales table.

Permissions Behavior Change

When authentication is enabled, Live Datamart now implements tighter control over listing tables. Therefore, you must provide list privileges to the table you are going to publish to. For more information about Live Datamart privileges, see Runtime Security Configuration.

JDBC lvconf Type Deprecated

The JDBC Table lvconf type is deprecated and was removed from the LiveView Configuration File Editor. Instead, use the External Server Connection lvconf file type and select JDBC from the dropdown list.

XML Attributes Deprecated in LiveView lvconf files; Legacy Static Aggregation Removed

Compared to StreamBase 7, the XML structure in StreamBase 10.1.0 for the Application and Publisher lvconf types was changed as follows:

  • The attribute sub-folder was removed.

  • The attribute filename is deprecated and replaced with module.

  • The attribute module takes a fully qualified module name with no extension.

In addition, the legacy static aggregation implementation, which was deprecated as of Live Datamart 2.0, is now removed.

JQuery Atmosphere Plugin Removed; Atmosphere JavaScript Library Upgraded

As announced in the Live Datamart 2.1.2 New and Noteworthy, the JQuery version of Atmosphere (jquery.atmosphere.js) was deprecated in favor of the pure JavaScript version, atmosphere.js. As of Live Datamart 10.1.0, the JQuery plugin is now removed.

In addition, the Atmosphere JavaScript library was upgraded on the client side to match the LiveView Server side, which is version 2.4.3.