StreamBase provides the following ways to generate a new server configuration file:
In StreamBase Studio, for the current project
At the command prompt, using
sbd -s
In Studio, you can elect to include a set of commented default configuration settings in your new configuration file. Studio's
default is to create an empty, blank configuration file ready for you to add configuration elements. When using the sbd -s
method, the new configuration file always includes commented default settings.
As described in the configuration introduction page, the preferred name for server configuration files is sbd.sbconf
, which is the only configuration file name read by Studio when it launches applications. You can provide any basename for
running sbd from the command prompt. You must use the filename extension .sbconf
, which allows Studio to open the Configuration File Editor to edit the file.
Follow these steps to generate a server configuration file in StreamBase Studio:
Open the New StreamBase Server Configuration File wizard using one of the following methods:
→ → . -
Click the drop-down arrow next to the New toolbar button (
), and select StreamBase Server Configuration File from the drop-down menu.
Right-click anywhere in the Package Explorer, and select
→ from the context menu. -
With the cursor in any Studio view, press Ctrl+N to open the New dialog. Select StreamBase Server Configuration File, and click .
With the cursor in any Studio view, press Alt+Shift+N to open the → menu at the cursor location. Select StreamBase Server Configuration File, and click .
In the New StreamBase Server Configuration File wizard, select the project folder where you want the configuration file to be created.
Enter the file name to create. Use the default name
unless you are generating an alternate configuration file for a specific purpose. The wizard enforces adding the.sbconf
extension to any name you specify. -
Optional. Select the Populate with default configuration contents check box to start your configuration file with a commented default settings.
. A default configuration file is created in the specified project. Studio opens the new file in the Configuration File Editor.Note
button lets you create the new file as a link to an existing server configuration file anywhere in the file system. This feature is rarely useful for Studio applications.
If you do not include the commented default settings, Studio generates the following blank configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <streambase-configuration xmlns:xi="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""> </streambase-configuration>
See Server Configuration File Editor to learn about the autocompletion features of the Configuration File Editor.
See StreamBase Server Configuration File XML Reference for the syntax of server configuration files.
If you select the sbd -s at the command line), you can edit the resulting configuration file skeleton to include your own defaults. You can then replicate your custom defaults in subsequent configuration files the wizard generates.
check box in the configuration file wizard, (or runTo clone your defaults, place a copy of your edited configuration file with the name studio-sbd.sbconf
in in your SBHOME/etc/
folder (where SBHOME
is the root of your StreamBase installation). Then, when you use the Studio Configuration File Wizard ( → ) and select the check box, the wizard will read and copy your file into your Studio project instead of generating a standard skeleton .sbconf
This only works when using the Configuration File Wizard. Your studio-sbd.sbconf
file does not get reused if you create a new configuration file from the command line via sbd -s
(see below).
There are two alternate methods for creating a new server configuration file in Studio:
As part of creating a new StreamBase project
From the StreamBase context menu of a Studio project folder
When creating a new StreamBase project, as described on Creating a New StreamBase Project, you can opt to create a configuration file with default name sbd.sbconf
, and can opt to include the commented default settings in the new file.
Studio also provides the following shortcut method:
Select a project folder in the Package Explorer.
Right-click, and from the context menu, select
→ . This option is dimmed and unavailable if the selected project already contains a file namedsbd.sbconf
. -
Respond Populate Server Configuration file with default contents? dialog.
or to the -
Studio creates, but does not automatically open, the requested configuration file in the selected project.
In a UNIX terminal window or a StreamBase Command Prompt on Windows, you can generate a default server configuration file by redirecting the output of sbd -s to a file. For example, for UNIX:
cd /home/sbuser/streambase-studio-n.m
sbd -s > sbd.sbconf
For Windows:
cd "C:\Users\username
\Documents\StreamBase Studion.m
Workspace\myProject" sbd -s > sbd.sbconf
When using sbd -s, the generated file always contains commented default settings.